I know Ghostbusters III has been announced, and from what i hear, was supposed to start production this spring. I am from Cleveland Ohio, and had heard some production was going to take place here as well...I was hoping to meet Harold, as i do production work for my own business, and was supposed to do some work for a local station on the filming...My question is this...with the death of Harold yesterday, how does this effect production of the film? Other than no Egon, of course.

Will it delay production any while they change the script? Will production be scrapped? I have met Dan Aykroyd several times and spoken with him on air. Knowing the way he is, he is likely to scrap the film. I know he wasn't going to confirm anything about the movie or even want to do it, unless every cast member agreed. Every cast as far as the original Ghostbusters go, that is.

Rest in Peace Harold, AKA: Egon
