MovieChat Forums > Harold Ramis Discussion > THE WORLD SALUTES YOU, Station Manager, ...


You survived while SCTV Owner and President, Guy Caballero, cut you down while on-air with various indignities, cut your salary to the barest of bones when you needed currency most, and forced you, upon those days of specified threats against your very life and the life of your beloved pup, "Noggy," to pay your own insurance premiums. Too, you never seemed more a "dupe" or a "stooge" than when you endured a Leutonian terrorist kidnapping. Though we soon forgot about you, tied to a radiator somewhere downtown, and forgot, too, to pay the rather surprisingly modest ransom that would have set you free, and we now take this moment to miss you as we hear that you have now come to the end of your life in some kind of unspecified way.

Moo, or Moe, rather, we shall miss your sweaty, self-sabotaging on-camera delivery, a delivery that came to define you and your rather shoddy, and rather awful, news reporting habits. If lucky, we shall never see your like again.

Let all the poisons that lurk in the moe-mud hatch out.
– Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero Germanicus

Jimmy Quince-Dingle,
The Melonville Observer

