did he do a porno?

and i'm not talking about Boogie Nights. a long time ago i found a porn called "Every Woman Has A Fantasy" and there's a guy that looks JUST like him in it. i'm pretty sure it was made in the 80's, he's wearing the Bandit jacket and hat.
i haven't been able to find a clip of it on the internet.

"Cracka-lacka SHING!"


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There was a Burt look-a-like who did porn back around the mid-70s. I remember Burt even mentioned the guy on Carson. Can't remember his name but he had brown hair and he had crooked, bucked teeth in the front. Other than that the guy looked just like him. Maybe someone will remember his name. I think the guy you're talking about came around a little later in the 80s and I think he died in a strange way like climbing a mountain or something. If you do a google search on a BR look-a-like porn star you'll find something on him but he's not the guy I'm talking about.

Ladies and gentlemen, here he is Mr. Warmth himself, the one, the only - Mr. Don Rickles!


did he do a porno?

In the 80's? Worse. He did a cop comedy was Liza Minnelli.


The dude's name was Sasha Gabor. I thought he died tragically but he didn't. But this is not the guy I'm writing about, there was another guy in the 70s.

Ladies and gentlemen, here he is Mr. Warmth himself, the one, the only - Mr. Don Rickles!


No, silly, Sasha is one of the Gabor sisters.


I had this porn as a kid and just recently found it I will try to look at the credits it still works!!!




Poker games fellatio produced by Adam and Eve 27 torred tales!!! He is the first scene looks just like him
