MovieChat Forums > Mickey Rourke Discussion > Like a Greek tragedy....

Like a Greek tragedy....

The beautiful man who looked in the mirror and saw only ugliness.
So he tried so hard (through plastic surgery) to become beautiful in his own eyes....that he became ugly. Bitter irony, and so tragic.....he could not see what we saw. A very handsome man and extremely talented actor. If ever there was an example of body dismorphic is Mickey Rourke. :(


who gives a sh* he has more money than most.


Some of that plastic surgery was necessary after some of his boxing fights. Get a clue.


I realize he felt he needed plastic surgery after his boxing career. But after those initial surgeries (if they were even necessary), he still looked ok...and somewhat like his original face. He looked fine in movies like White Sands, Harley Davidson, etc...

But then, he kept going back for more, and more and more (unnecessary) plastic surgery. He became addicted to it, and most certainly has body dismorphic disorder. He no longer looks anything like his original self. Even that crazy mop of a a sign of internal issues, insecurities, vanity, etc.
