MovieChat Forums > Liev Schreiber Discussion > FANTASTIC in X-Men Origins: Wolverine

FANTASTIC in X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Seriously. Regardless of what you thought of the X-MEN:ORIGINS WOLVERINE movie, you can't help but accept that he stole the show. And the funny thing is the way he played Sabertooth is sort of exactly how I have always imagined Wolverine himself to be (minus being evil and all, of course)... But to me honestly, I did not give a damn about Wolverine himself in that movie. Liev Schreiber stole the entire movie. You couldn't help but root for him every time he was on screen despite him being a villain and all. I think because of how badly the film received, his performance was under-looked. I really hope he plays a character like that in the future.


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That pretty much sums it up for me too. He smoked everyone. Maybe he was too good...thus not cast in the new Wolverine film.


Does anyone know if he ever lost the muscle he put on for Wolverine?




Agreed, he was the best thing about the Wolverine movie. Which is funny, because at first I hated the casting of him as Sabertooth. I was not happy that he was played by a different actor than in X-Men 1. But with multiple viewings, I realized he had more personality and depth than most of the other characters.

He danced the line of totally evil, and likeable with just enough humor to keep from crossing over into hamminess, which is very difficult to pull off. His subtle acting talent in scenes, such as when Wolvie shows his adamantium claws to him for the first time, and Sabertooth sort of tilts his head slightly, and says "Ooh-shiny," is something Tyler Mane probably could not have done nearly as well, without coming off as goofy.
