MovieChat Forums > Liev Schreiber Discussion > 'Hey You Wanna See Something?' LOL - Lie...

'Hey You Wanna See Something?' LOL - Liev You Da Bomb in Phantoms Yo!

I'm sorry, but, I.M.O. Liev Schreiber's (sp?) borderline personality disorder/ slightly touched in the head's character makes this movie, all the more interesting, at least, for me personally.

The first 45 min's or so, before his face gets sucked in by that giant mosquito thing or whatever are great. And although it sucks to see his character get killed off afterwards, I am happy that they decided to have him brought back in during bits and pieces there in afterwards.

As a writer myself, I usually find bad (or rather) eccentric characters all the more interesting.

I was just wondering two things:

A) Does anyone agree? (please don't bash me if you do not)

B) Does his mutated clone (or whatever the ancient evil thing is) survive like it does at the end, and does he say "hey, you wanna see something like he does in the movie, or did Koontz decide to throw that in last minute?

Thanks for your input!


Well his bathroom clone was more attractive than his knit-cap-and-glasses persona, but his entire character was just disturbingly creepy, especially after he starts feeling up a corpse. He is pretty good at creepy.


And why would I bash you even if I completely disagreed? What would be the point of that?
