MovieChat Forums > William Shatner Discussion > Why does everyone say he's such a jerk?

Why does everyone say he's such a jerk?

I've heard a lot of bad things about Shatner over the years. Mostly from his co-stars of Star Trek. But he seems like a very funny, down to earth person.

Has anyone ever met him?


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I tend to not make eye contact either. It's not because I am a jerk. It's because I am very shy.

I don't know. From what I see of him, he seems like a very funny, down to earth, funny guy.


Eye contact is overrated. It doesn't mean anything, one way or another. Some people have a great need for it, so they make a big deal out of it, but they need to adjust to people who find it uncomfortable.


You are totally right! The biggest lies ever told to me were by people who were looking at me straight in the eye. In contrast, I know very good, honest folks who just don't make eye contact.


> Has anyone ever met him?

I'm sure someone have met him...


I met him at at the Vegas Star Trek convention in 2010. I'd heard stories about how he didn't speak to fans or make eye contact too. But he was very polite when I got up to him for the photo op, he looked at me and said "hi."

I can't speak to how down to earth he is, as I just had a moment with him, but he was very funny on stage and seemed interested that the audience have a good time.


It's not because I am a jerk.

Bob: That is an AMAZING statement! How can you possibly know?

I have NO IDEA. Who can? I sincerely want to doubt that I am; but who can tell?


Best reply ever.
