MovieChat Forums > William Shatner Discussion > In defense of Bill Shatner - Lay The 'BE...

In defense of Bill Shatner - Lay The 'BEEP' Off!!!!

To those, Star Trek fan or otherwise, who have vindictively criticized Bill SHatner for not being at Leonard Nimoy's funeral, I've got the following thing to say.

Lay off of the man, will you? Shatner may be a jerk in some areas, but in others he is not!

And this BS vitriol being hurled at Shatner is just TOTALLY uncalled for!

The reason why he couldn't be at Leoanrd Nimoy's funeral was because he had a commitment that he had to keep. Bill Shatner feels bad enough that he couldn't be at his close friend's, and he certainly doesn't need any additional BS, just because of a bunch of gutless cowards are making the HUGE mistake of pre-judging him without all of the facts!

Granted 'haters are going to hate', but this BS has gone too far!!!!

He had a commitment and he needed to keep it. There is nothing wrong with that whatsoever! Especially, since that commitment involved fund-raising for the Red Cross.

For Christ's sake people, he's got enough on his mind as it is. He just lost his best friend and he sure as hell doesn't need any of this under fire BS coming at him!

The man had his daughters attend Leonard's funeral in his place. SHouldn't that tell you people something?

So just lay off and let the man mourn the passing of his best friend in peace.

If you want to bitch about something Star Trek related, you need not look any furthur than Farragut Films and Vic Mignogna's involvement in the theft of the newly built sets for Starship Ajax back in late 2011. An incident that also involved the real modus operandi and sick mentality behind the conception of Star Trek Continues, itself!


As Shatner famously once said "Get a LIFE! Will you people?"


I *beep*


I call.....bull stuff


That was from his SNL skit. You might be able to find it on youtube, but they block just about everything.


If it was my best friend, I would've been there, come hell or high water. Did he contact the Nimoy family and ask them to push the funeral back to the afternoon? If they couldn't do that, why didn't he just charter a private jet? He could've easily arrived in L.A. in plenty of time to attend the funeral.


Also a recent published book said if it hadn't been for the commitment Shatner had to Star Trek that there wouldn't have been a third season of TOS since Roddenberry was too busy with other things ,and it was Shatner who fought to get some quality episodes.All fans should thank him for this because if there hadn't been a third season I doubt wether the franchise would have been big enough to get the movies and the new versions of Star Trek made.

They also tend to forget Shatner is 84 years old and one could figure that the emotions might be too much for him considering he lost a good friend and that he doesn't want to disrupt the funeral by making a spectacle out of himself.That I think he would consider it undignified and disrespectfull to Leonard Nimoy and his family.You could imagine the headlines if Shatner had broken down in tears over the coffin of his longtime friend maybe that is something to take in consideration before calling him names.


Well Bill you are a tool for not going to Leonard Nimoys funeral , he was a friend to you a true friend and you couldn't go cos of a commitment , sorry commitment or no commitment you drop everything for a true friend , I know this is late I just read the post .
