MovieChat Forums > William Shatner Discussion > Says he is Capt. Kirk, but he is terrifi...

Says he is Capt. Kirk, but he is terrified to go into space ...

Jim, just remember what McCoy said ... it's better than having your molecules scrambled and unscrambled through space.


Guess Captain Jerk made it there and back.


As they said in the excellent Galaxy Quest movie, they're ACTORS, not ASTRONAUTS.


Mr. Shatner is both!


Good point.

Although I'd say that Shatner is more a space tourist than an astronaut. I mean, he doesn't have to operate or maintain systems on the craft he's in, does he?


The term changed. Now, it means anyone who goes to space.


I thought they changed it so that it didn't mean that.


The astronaut designation and a pin are included with the $250,000+ price tag.

Commercial and civil astronaut are the new terms. Shatner is the latter.


I just remember this,

"In a move that pours cold water on the dreams of a few billionaire space explorers, the US has tightened its definition of the word "astronaut".

New Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rules say astronaut hopefuls must be part of the flight crew and make contributions to space flight safety.

To qualify as commercial astronauts, space-goers must travel 50 miles (80km) above the Earth's surface, which both Mr Bezos and Mr Branson accomplished.

But altitude aside, the agency says would-be astronauts must have also "demonstrated activities during flight that were essential to public safety, or contributed to human space flight safety".

What exactly counts as such is determined by FAA officials."


Those rules only have to do with who can receive a commercial astronaut pin from the FAA. I guess the military and NASA have their own rules. And private space companies issue their own.

To be fair, space travel is still extremely dangerous and is in an early testing phase. I have zip problem with calling people like Shatner an astronaut.


These people were truly "spam in a can".


Andorian shingles perhaps?
