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Ally Sheedy's involvement with Bryan Singer (Blind Item)

August 16, 2016

Lets go back in the day. This actress was A list. Mostly movies and always quirky. When this group of people had a "pretty" movie she was not usually invited. When they needed reality and good acting they cast her. She has worked infrequently since her heyday. Producers and directors grew up with her movies and want to cast her, but the roles are generally a cameo or stunt casting. Nothing real. Then, along came this A list director. He had a project for her. He found out she knew this up and coming barely legal actor. Our director heard the actor is gay, but had not been able to close the deal no matter how many carrots he offered. He had a very very big carrot to offer and that is not some sexual innuendo. He had a big part in a franchise but the actor wasn't interested in the casting couch route. Our director offered our actress a few roles here and there an even a guest gig in the franchise at some point if she could talk the actor into having sex with the director. For two months she worked on it and the actor, still a teenager at the time, hooked up with the director. The director cast the actor in the role. The director then cast our actress in a role to watch over the actor and make sure he stayed available to the director. For a year, that was her job. To monitor the sex life of the actor and make sure he only hooked up with the director. This guy is so strange. He did come through on the roles and the guest gig in the franchise though.

Ally Sheedy/Bryan Singer


It's difficult to believe. In a Mike Figgis book called Projections 10, she condemned the casting couch. At one point, she said: "I have friends who have slept with a lot of people and had relationships with married people who put them in better positions for work."

Read more from the book:


Bryan Singer really is a damn good director... it's a shame that he's such a godawful human being that not even Hollywood can put up with him.
