MovieChat Forums > James Spader Discussion > he makes me so uncomfortable and always ...

he makes me so uncomfortable and always has

i don't know what it is about him, but *shudders*

Have a heart. Please spay and neuter your pets.


he is capable of conveying a great capacity for darkness.


Funny. I just think it's what makes him a great actor. His capacity to go to the dark side as well as a lighter side are what makes him so good at his profession. Check out his earlier movies, you will see what I mean.


Really?! I think he's hot as hell. Mads Mikkelson, on the other hand .

I do not have attention deficit disor...Ooh, look at the bunny! 


it's this capacity for darkness that enriches his performances. he is never a simple character. some people are creeped out by an actor's ability to touch the dark because that's what resides in them unacknowledged. it's to spader's everlasting credit that he can generate a deep response.


I agree with you totally. His capacity to play the villain is what reels me in kind of like a deer caught in the headlights watching his performance! He did an on Broadway show 297 performances of this one play in a year. He's an excellent actor.

The Sopranos actor James Gandolfini could be a bad guy, but they said in real life he was a jokster, laughed a lot with a big big heart. Kevin Spacey same way, he unnerves me at times when he goes stone serious but he's laughing so much he often gets the giggles during takes. It's amazing acting.
