MovieChat Forums > Madeleine Stowe Discussion > TCM Channel - Guest Host for September -...

TCM Channel - Guest Host for September - BRILLIANT

What a brilliant, wise and artistic person to have hosting this month. Her choices of Splendor in the Grass was fantastic. And she doesn't espouse this 'new hollyweird' crap about courageous, stretching, conflicted or complicated. I share her desire to have more human, romantic and truly courageous roles and movies instead of the crap that is rushed out now. Robots, Zombies, Vampires, Violence, More Violence and more vicious obscenity.

Wonderful selection of a host TMC - keep them coming (no more Baldwins pleezz).


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I agree - she's still beautiful and her knowledge and true love for the eclectic mix of movies she picked shone thru - maybe she should be co-hosting the essentials on tcm with robert osborne

splendor in the grass and the bicycle thief in one night - thanks madeleine!


The ability of Maddy to express her knowledge is so refreshing. many times top actors, especially lovely females, fall flat without a script. Ms. Stowe is a joy to hear and her depth to go back so many years and be precise about what is unique about her recommendations is outstanding. No pop culture here, its true culture and high intelligence.

Wonder if she'll get into her favorate co-stars: Dreyfus? Ed Harris? Costner? Daniel Day-Lewis? Gibson (naw?

I would bet its DDL - I spoke once with Dale Dye who was an advisor on Mohican and he said DDL was a joy to work with - no ego - very very fit, intelligent and humble - and DD said their was a magic with Maddy and DDL that really came across on the screen. I would agree. It was a tremendous movie and Michael Mann went from the means streets of Chicago to the hills of Asheville NC and didn't miss a step or a shot. and the mix of stars on that movie - amazing.
