MovieChat Forums > Madeleine Stowe Discussion > Madeleine Stowe vs Julianne Moore

Madeleine Stowe vs Julianne Moore

IMO, the two most beautiful, gorgeous and *sexy* women around and just past 50 in Hollywood and possibly among all the women that I have seen in that age group. While Meg Ryan and Jodie Foster were the most attractive, adorable and desirable women of that generation back in the 80s and early 90s, those two failed to age well, unlike Madeleine and Julianne who have aged far better and in fact look more attractive than they did back in the 80s or early 90s. Over the last decade and more I don't know which of them has been more beautiful. Both Americans, almost the same age (just two years apart), around the same physique. Who would you blokes say looks better?


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Did not want this thread to get deleted on account of lack of responses. I don't think its difficult to see that these two are the most purely beautiful and attractive women of their age group in Hollywood - better than Pfeiffer, Helgenberger, Cattrall or Tweed. Surprised though that there are no replies in more than three months.


My money is on Madeleine all the way. She always had a very mature and sophisticated look about her that remains in tact with her beauty and grace. I really wish she would show up again in something other than a TV film and whatnot. Never cared much for Julianne Moore though.


julianne, definitely


Julianne Moore for me.


My fav is Madeline. They are both intellectual beauties IMHO and love them both.


Madeline Stowe.

"Be sure you're right, then go ahead."
Davy Crockett


Definitely madeleine!

Madeleine's skin complexion is wayyyyy better that julianne!
