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Rumor has it she's signed to do another show or smth like that. So her character being written off the show makes sense. They squeezed everything out of Victoria, so they decided to move on and introduce another characters (like Emily's mother). But it's just rumours. It's really hard to imagine the show without Victoria though.


OMG!!!! Victoria Grayson is the show's icon! even more than Emily Thorne.
How can Revenge do that?


Naw, how can the show go on without Madeline Stowe's remarkable Victoria? She's the balance to the Emily character.


Watch the episode again, how she hesitates at the foot of the boarding stairs before walking up. My humble guess is, much like the end of season 1 leaving us thinking that Daniel is dead, the writers did the same thing here. We don't actually see the door close after she enters the jet. I think she came off the jet right before takeoff without the knowledge of the other passengers. Now she's hiding until just the right moment.

They brought Lydia back from the dead after falling onto a car from several stories up. This one would be easy!


I doubt if she signed on for another TV show.

The only reason they will kill off Victoria is if MAdeleine stowe don't want to continue anymore. Either because she wants to disappear again or she wants to focus on her directorial debut.

Looks like she's still enjoying being Queen V. I'm positive Victoria is not dead. =))

The show will be 50% BORING without her!
