MovieChat Forums > Madeleine Stowe Discussion > Fine actress, beautiful woman

Fine actress, beautiful woman

I grant that Stowe and I are the same age. But I don't understand all the lamenting here over her alleged loss of beauty after 2001. To me, she is still gorgeous.
Just saw her in the Little House on the Prairie episode, "Portrait of Love." This dates from 1980, when Stowe was 22. She was lovely then, but for my money, she's even more attractive now.
You young studs need to reassess your standards for feminine beauty. 90 percent of all women reach their peak of attractiveness (not to mention sexiness)AFTER 40. When you guys get closer to 30 or a little older, you will understand:).
Put a good-looking and sexy woman in her 20s against one in her 40s, 50s or even 60s. I GUARANTEE the older woman will be more attractive and HOTTER than the younger one to any guy who ain't an adolescent and who is honest with himself.

Seems some young men have a problem with any wrinkles, lines in a woman's neck, etc. I think some of both make her sexier (though I am more of a NECK man than anything else).



She certainly looks very good in the new show "Revenge." I hadn't even realized she is in her early 50s.


I'm in my twenties and I still think she's bangin hot!


I find her very beautiful.

all women have 3 qualities.

1 physical beauty (even if it was only the radiance of youth)
2 a emotional depth
3 a feminine energy

physical beauty fades over time, to a lesser or greater extent.
emotional depth grows with time, to a lesser or greater extent,
dependent on life experience and reflection on it.
feminine energy; there is a feminine way of thinking and of doing,
as more women work this is gradually lost, to a lesser or greater extent.
since work tends to emphasize the masculine energies.

Actresses tend to be beautiful, their art encourages more awareness of emotions, through practice and experience and self reflection they embody the roles that they play. basically they practice every skill that makes women beautiful.


I have had a thing for her since I saw the movie Revenge.
There is a scene where she is walking a horse down a laneway and is wearing some incredibly tight riding pants and boots. She looks fantastic

7:00 - 7:50

The wardrobe person for the the TV show Revenge deserves praise

She looks amazing in the tight skirts she wears

Don't care how old she is
she is hot!!!
