MovieChat Forums > Madeleine Stowe Discussion > Madeleine Stowe, what have you done to y...

Madeleine Stowe, what have you done to your face?

OMG! Madeleine Stowe, what have you done to your face? Your face has a slightly demented or crazed look and a off-putting waxworks pallor. We loved your natural facial beauty from, "The Two Jakes", "Last of the Mohicans", "Unlawful Entry". But now we can't even recognize you. We understand your desire to remain marketable in Hollywood but don't sell your own beauty short. It's like looking at two different Madeleine Stowes now. Where is our old Madeleine Stowe? What ever was done to her face can't be undone now. Even when her face began to show its age towards the end of the 1990s, Madeleine Stowe was still a lovely, beautiful woman. She should have, in my own personal opinion, stayed away from any facial cosmetic alteration. Baaahhhhh!



I suppose all of us on these useless boards, in our wildest dreams, secretly hope that the object of our interest might someday choose to waste a few seconds of her precious time and happen upon our bits of fan scribbles and be stirred at our silly little compliments and anonymous good tidings.

But, noooooooo, small people of smaller minds and even smaller souls choose instead to exercise the worst free speech has to offer to put forward discouraging and cruel thoughts that will ensure that if ever such a visitation were to occur, accidentally through some Google search or errant mouse click, by herself or maybe worse a member of her family, that we'd wish it never did happen and can only hope it doesn't dissuade her from the universe of affection the vast, vast majority hold for this kind woman, not to mention our thanks for the marvelous, warm performances she's shared with us over all the years.

So there!

Links to "Twelve Monkeys" Pages


that was very deep

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


I think the OP as trying to say that MS was aging gracefully, until she went and did what too many actresses do (because they want to keep working) - get grotesque lip augmentation.
