MovieChat Forums > Reese Witherspoon Discussion > Full Frontal Nudity in New Movie Wild

Full Frontal Nudity in New Movie Wild

In one scene she is in bed with another man and her husband finds them in bed and she gets up fully naked and chases after him as he leaves the room angrily. She is fully naked in the scene and you see everything.


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The things one does in pursuit of awards, like casting aside a carefully maintained persona. I want to say to all the girls out there, I know it’s cool to be bad, but it’s also possible to make it in Hollywood without a reality show … When I came up in this business, if you made a sex tape, you were embarrassed and hid it under your bed. And if you took naked pictures of yourself on your cell phone, you would hide your face, people. Hide your face! … So for all the girls out there, it’s possible to be a good girl. I’m going to try to make it cool.

It's not what a movie is about, it's how it is about it.
RIP Roger Ebert


Just because she gets naked in a movie doesn't negate any of that.



No, she's just an actress. I think she should remember that when she's starts to give speeches.

It's not what a movie is about, it's how it is about it.
RIP Roger Ebert


So because she's an actress, she's not allowed to give speeches...? I'm not sure what you are getting at


actors and actresses are not to be considered human being with a personality of their own... apparently *eyeroll*

I am Gods gift to women. God is a cynical bastard.


What does that statement have to do with doing nudity in a feature film when you are a well known actress already? She is talking about doing everything and anything to get noticed, basically she is referring to trash like the people in Jersey S(w)hores, Kardashians and a bunch of others.


Oh, I see the difference. If one is "trash" it is bad, if one does it to win an award, it's OK. Thanks for pointing that out.

It's not what a movie is about, it's how it is about it.
RIP Roger Ebert
