MovieChat Forums > Sean Young Discussion > Unflattering IMDB main picture for Sean ...

Unflattering IMDB main picture for Sean Young

The picture shown for her IMDb main picture is very unflattering. Why would this be her main picture? It looks like she's standing outside a walk-in closet with a bathrobe hanging on the door, cell phone in hand, wearing weekend (wear around the house) clothes that you really wouldn't wear out in public (especially as a movie star(?))

Sean, if you are reading this, why don't you put up something nicer, if you have any control over your IMDb pictures.


But it perfectly represents her attitude - she doesn't give a damn! She's raw, confident and offbeat. Sean, don't ever change that!


The "i don't give a *beep* attitude is the reason why people don't want to work with her. She wants people to boycott the next Blade Runner because she isnt in it but in reality people don't care about people who "don't give a *beep*


It's unfortunate that Sean's authentic persona isn't exactly compatible with Tinseltown's culture, otherwise she would've gone far.


i like the way her tits look in that picture, but then the puffiness of her face is strange, im assuming some sort of cosmetic procedure is to blame.


There is nothing authentic about someone who dont give a damn. There is more personnality if someone is actually giving everything he have to the project. Hollywood doesn't want someone who is boycotting her. This is the logic. I don't invite people at my house if they doesn't care of me.


Looks like it finally was changed to something a bit nicer! Posing with her dog I presume!
