MovieChat Forums > Sean Young Discussion > Unfair treatment because she is a woman!

Unfair treatment because she is a woman!

So she dressed up like a cat and made a fool of herself more than a decade ago, and it was never proven that she was stalking Woods. Everyone believed him because he was a well respected actor and more popular than her at the time. She was also an easy target. She has never done anything that bad, not as bad as most male actors. She might crazier that bat shi#, but she is not as crazy as Ann Heche! They gave her Men in Trees! Yes she is a better actor that Sean, but she gets treated like a child predator.


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Waaaaaaaaaaaa Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!


Your right, she dressed up in a handmade catwoman suit and stormed the studio in an attempt to get a part in a movie, she stalked another person, she was not invited to a 2006 oscar party but decided to go anyway(she heard there was free alcohol and she can't afford to buy it anymore)and was escorted out and now she heckles some guy on stage and is escorted out. This stuff is all normal, it happens to men and women on a daily basis, we shouldn't judge her because she is completely sane! Quit trying to save her, it ain't gonna happen, her so called career is gone. She was never a good actress and Hollywood knows it.


Look at it this way......How much crazy stuff have you read about Woods over the years and, how much crazy stuff have you read about Young??? "Nuff said.....


Holy crap. I have read some stupid things on message boards in my life but just as I was reading what I thought was going to be the most ridiculous Subject line (come on?!!! because she's a woman???? give me a break) I then open it up to see the poster actually spelled the word "Stalking" as "Stocking." I mean wow!!! A. You might want to buy a dictionary and B. You might want to take up a hobby. WOW WOW WOW and WOW again.


Hollywood is afraid of strong women like Sean Young. If she moved to France, she'd be hailed as a genius. Why she hasn't moved to France where she would be loved and respected, I have no idea.


HAHAHAHA!! Right... "strong" woman. There are other women who are much better than that pissy hack.



So you're calling France stupid then? Cause I mean, anyone who would hail Sean Young as a genius...

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