He Was HOT As MacGyver

That's the only wish I watched the show when it was on was because he was such good eye candy. Not only was he handsome, but I liked those close up shots of his hands whenever he was putting together gadgets on the show. I've always loved his hands.

In Space No One Can Eat Ice Cream!
Killer Klowns From Outer Space


Was. Now, he's bloated and aged rather badly. :( Still Mac is fun to watch.


Yes, he has beautiful hands.

He was really, really gorgeous as MacGyver - especially before the mullet got out of control. I was 12 when that show came on and I was madly smitten.

He is still handsome - and has great hair - but, um, he needs to get to the gym. Yes, he's had medical issues. BUT...


He is almost 65.. I don't know why some people can't use their brains and equate that Macgyver was on over 20 years ago and RDA has had medical issues and surgeries. Obviously if you believe he should "get in the gym " you're either really young and don't know any better or a troll.


Lol his hands?? Hey to each his own! I remember him best from SG and he was a very distinguished older gentleman...and still as good looking as Daniel.

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How true! How very true!

When Richard Dean takes his hot hands and wraps that duct tape around stuff 0 how jealous of that duct tape can you get, right?

Right, some of that 90's hair was hot before they invented that icky creepy cringworthy mullet - but Richard Dean knows how to play it safe and to bypass that horrid hair look. - And that makes him even hotter - not to look like anybody in that creepy weepy Cyrus family.

 Mellow Salutations!


Facially and hair wise, he is aging well. If he loses weight, he'd be very good looking still. I also agree about his hands, he has great model type hands.

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel
