MovieChat Forums > Christina Applegate Discussion > Feel SO bad I did not recognize her in.....

Feel SO bad I did not recognize her in...

...Vacation 2015. I kept saying to myself, "Man, she is really good looking. Why do I feel a little deja-vu?"

Then I saw her name in the ending credits. I was too busy looking at the photos at the beginning of the movie and must have missed her name.

I had to watch the movie all over again knowing it was Christina. She looks great with all the same features. I just missed it.

"Debbie Do Anything"....LOL. Sooo funny. She played the aftermath in the car so perfectly.

I thought she did an awesome job. I hope we see her more. Her career has not exactly been red hot. I hope this role will get her more work.

It does look like she has several projects for 2016. I will be watching. Go Christina!


I'm thinking her cancer battle had something to do with her career cooling off a bit.


WHAT. THE. FCK. damn, this might be the first time in my life I've actually felt old for real and not just in a joking way. I couldn't imagine not recognizing kelly bundy
