MovieChat Forums > Christina Applegate Discussion > After almost 15 years...

After almost 15 years...

Since Married with Children ended, I think she is slowly getting over the typecast of being Kelly Bundy she had going on for so long.

If you look at it this way,she is now 40 years old, survived cancer,just had a child and is beginning a new phase in her life.She seems ready drop the image of the young blond bombshell and trade it in for the Hot Milf who can be absurd and not take herself so seriously.

For so long, I like many others looked at her as that girl who played Kelly Bundy during the Jesse and Samantha sitcom runs. In her movies such as the Sweetest Thing and in Anchorman, she looked like someone trying to be the opposite of Kelly Bundy in a desperate type of way. Also I think she wasn't extremly likeable to alot of women for the longest time and they wouldn't watch her shows because of her objectification/dumb role as KB. Also alot of guys thought she was hot, but she really wasn't the type of woman who dated the average joe.

Now,for some reason,I am ready to accept her free of the Kelly Bundy stigma with the new show she has going with Will Arnett. Maybe enough time has passed for the American public to give her a real chance again like they did for Paul Rudd.

If you look at her MWC castmates..

Katey Segal got through the typecasting ordeal by being a voice in animation and being able to latch onto a really good show with Jon Ritter.She has played post MWC well.

Ed O'Neill had a hard time like Christina, including shows like the Big Apple,etc failing. But now with Modern Family I can look at him as someone besides Al Bundy. He finally found a groove that fits him.

as for David Faustino, he is doing alot independent work, and really isn't trying the Hollywood lead roles as the other 3 have.


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Err what ?

If you think she ever was anything like a "bimbo airhead" you are seriously unable to differ between actors and the parts they play.

Always listen to your own advice.


She wasn't a bimbo IRL but people tend to typecast people based on characters they play.


she usually plays ball busters now
