MovieChat Forums > Christina Applegate Discussion > My semi funny Christina A. Story...

My semi funny Christina A. Story...

Back in the late 80's, a friend of mine was in a local band in Los Angeles. Somehow, he met Christina and they got friendly.

Anyway, my best friend from grade school used to book a night at the Coconut Teaszer (not 100% sure on the spelling, they misspelled the word "teaser"). Well, he booked this guys band, and he invited Christina to the gig and put her on the list. She was friends with Johnny Depp's ex wife Lori, and brought her along.

After the show, I was hanging out talking with her, Lori, and my friend in the parking lot talking. She was actually very nice, and NOTHING like her character on MWC. After a little while, it was decided we'd head back to my other friend's (the guy who booked the show) apartment and continue the festivities.

I went to my car, and started down Sunset blvd to the apt. After a half mile or so, I look to my right, and in the next lane there she was, in her car driving. She saw me, and to be funny, got in Kelly Bundy character and started making kissy faces at me. I started making goofy faces back at her, and we were all laughing hysterically for a few blocks doing this. Lori was in the passenger seat, and my friend was in the back seat acting like a goof.

So, we go to my friends place, hang out, party, and just generally have a good time. One thing I remember was thinking it was odd that she drive a Honda Accord. It was new, and nice, but you normally think of "celebrities" driving fancy, expensive cars.

My only regret was that I didn't talk to her more. I knew that redhead at the party was trouble! Oh well. Ah, to be young and live in Hollywood! Great times.

Anyway, she was pretty cool, and really good looking in person. She didn't wear much makeup, and had a really nice figure. Oh well, my "bro code" precluded me from hitting on her, so I guess I'll have to chalk that one up to "I'll never know".


she was in a story with Eric B. at this time ?


Maybe she was just trying to lay low. By '93 she would be drawing attention if she went rolling around in a German car. At least this way she'd be able to go out and have a life.


Socialism works...Until it runs out of OTHER PEOPLE'S Money!!!


Anyway, she was pretty cool, and really good looking in person. Err, I watched "Married ... with children" because of her, which is really not my kind of show.

She IS good looking. Not just in person.

Always listen to your own advice.
