Breast feed?

This is probably a stupid question, but will she still be able to breast feed her baby?


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Err nope.

That boat sailed, obviously.



Aww (I think)


Her baby will have to be fed with milk formula or have another mother nursing a baby help out. She should not worry about her baby being fed. It must suck for knowing she can't breast feed her own baby. But it's her breast that got removed not her uterus.


And again Captain Obvious has saved the day !

Thank you, Captain Obvious !

What would we do without you !


A gentleman never tells.


A random guy in the internet doesnt want to touch her breasts ?

Now that will break her heart for sure.

Always listen to your own advice.


nkeres01, your statement was uncalled for, callous and stupid. You're the one without value!


nkeres01, that was not a nice comment, stop and think for a moment at the many women who have had mastectomies that may be reading these boards. Poeple have feelings, you know.

Personally I don't believe you're any less of a woman without breasts. What a daft thing, as if t!ts are the only thing that make you a woman.

**cArNiVaLs oF fAyGo**
