MovieChat Forums > Christina Applegate Discussion > Does she have implants now?

Does she have implants now?

And did she have to reconstruct the nipple too or were they able to keep them.


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Why do you ask about her nipples ?

I have met one woman who had breast cancer and she had been cut at the sides of the breast, not anywhere near the nipples.

And yes, of course theres silicone instead now. Wouldnt look very aesthetic if her breasts would be gone completely.

A gentleman never tells.



Come on, what does it matter someone is curious. Don't get your panties in a bunch. We all die, get over it.

We all will die, you a little sooner than me probably... but still I will die once too. The fact that you will die tomorrow, doesn't change the fact I'll live to a 105!

[insert the 'F-word' here]


^WTF? Exactly.

What did you want to say with your "we all die" posting ?

Always listen to your own advice.


We all will die...

That's a dirty lie!

P.S. Oh, and LOL at the comments from the poster above me.
