MovieChat Forums > Robert Carlyle Discussion > OUAT - Why does he look

OUAT - Why does he look

so different from before. I was watching S1, the first couple episodes and noticed he looks different than now.

Am I seeing things?

God loves you as if you were the only person on this earth.


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The make-up is slightly different in S2 and 3.
Also RC gained a bit of weight.

Cheers ;)


I noticed he's filled out in the face and belly a little, but at his age he's earned it - I like him a bit slimmer, hopefully he'll slim down back to his svelte self again.


He quit smoking, from all the accounts I've seen. He looked downright gaunt in the first season. Personally I prefer him with a bit more weight and knowing he's not smoking.

Murder is a bad first impression.


Glad he's quit smoking! I think a bit of weight on him isn't bad at ALL. His face actually looks better filled out a little--I agree with your comment that he looked gaunt in season 1.

[Are you Spotty T.D., elsewhere?]


I am indeed Spotty! lol I use the same icon here (well, I did until I changed mine for Christmas elsewhere).

I do think his face looks better filled out and while I thought the gauntness worked for FTL Rumple pretty well, he looks so much better as Gold in the past couple seasons. He doesn't look quite so like a skeleton wearing a suit.

Murder is a bad first impression.


Agreed. I did some screenshots while I was watching season 1, and I thought they looked a little strange. You were too thin, Bobby!

Now he looks great. He's pretty much the only reason I watch the show. Morally ambiguous characters are the best, truest ones. Add mesmerizing actor = me, hooked.

[ETA: Euggh. No pun intended.]


It's great that he stopped smoking.
