MovieChat Forums > Robert Carlyle Discussion > Apparently he's very famous, but I didn'...

Apparently he's very famous, but I didn't even know about him before OUA

Was he mostly just famous in Europe or something? I mean, I had never heard about him before Once Upon a Time, but you look at articles and you see how many people say he's so famous. Granted, I'm not that into Hollywood stuff, but I have never heard his name before and he didn't look familiar in OUAT. So I don't think I ever saw him before.

He's very talented and I can totally see why he'd be famous. It's awesome when a famous person is famous b/c of having actual talent, and in his case, a lot of it. But I just assumed he was famous in Europe mostly...


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Well he was one of the main Characters in Stargate Universe, 28 weeks latter and trainspotting. He's a cracking actor one of the best of his generation IMO. Hopefully one day someone will recognise that and he will start to get the big roles that he deserves.


Yeah he's proper famous in the UK, you'd be hard pressed to find someone who didn't recognise him or know the name from somewhere. His first BIG recognisable performance was Albie in Cracker back in the early/mid-90s. Bearing in mind that, at the time, the UK only had 4 channels and Cracker was VERY popular, his standout performance, which even managed to somewhat outshine Robbie Coltraine and Chris Eccleston meant he was one to watch. He also had his own (very different) show, as a completely different sort of character, which I guess showed off his range to the powers that be and gave him the Sunday afternoon telly audience recognition too. And then there's Trainspotting of course. So yeah, he's been a pretty bankable star and versitile and widely recognised and respected actor ever since.

I'm glad to see he's been doing well in the U.S. - I did wonder where he'd disappeared off to, I hadn't seen anything with him in it for a while, at least now I know what he's been up to and I'm enjoying Rumplstiltskin so far and I've just caught a couple of eps of SGU which seems interesting - mostly because Bobby's in it playing the most interesting character but you never know.


I've just caught a couple of eps of SGU which seems interesting - mostly because Bobby's in it playing the most interesting character but you never know.


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He's not a Hollywood celebrity or anything,but he's definitely a respected, and pretty good character actor who's been good in just about anything I've seen him in. I first saw him in TRAINSPOTTING (which put him on the map and got him on Hollywood radar) one of my favorite films,where he pretty much almost stole the show as one of the most,vicious,evil despicable villains in the film. I hadn't seen him in anything in awhile,and was glad to see that he's in a TV show playing an intrieging,kind of creepy/enigmatic/sinister role. From what I've seen,he usually tends to play difficult, challenging parts, so it was cool to see him on OUAT, which I just started watching (I actually like GRIMM more,but decided to give this show a chance). Check him out in 28 WEEKS LATER--he's scary as hell in it as one of the main zombies, and in THE FULL MONTY to see him do a straight up comedy role---he's actually pretty funny in it. I'd like to check out RAVENOUS, simply because he's the villain in that one,too. Don't know any recent movies he's been in,though. I love seeing my fave character actors do their thing (i.e. stealing the show sometimes) and seeing him weekly in this show makes it an extra treat for me to watch!


I first became aware after I saw Full Monty in theaters way back when.

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Hmmm - you've made me think there, I haven't seen him in any big flms since 24 Weeks Later myself. He has done some smaller projects and I think the lack of recognition those small scale British productions were able to garner was probably a major factor in his decision to accept the SGU job and get into episodic telly over the pond in the first place.

The 2 smaller films I've seen recently are I Know you Know - quite a bitter/sweet father son piece about a boy and his dad who's some kind of spy figure (well sort of - don't wish to spoil it for you) and Summer - where he's a man in his middle age, paying for past mistakes in a kind of self imposed pennance and remembering the events of a long ago summer, as he tries to get his life back on track. Both very good and I'd highly recommend them. The boy in I know you Know is also really great.

Ravenous is one of the weirdest films I've ever seen but it's great and Bobby is fantastic in it, as is Guy Pierce. I loved the music too - random but good.
