MovieChat Forums > Robert Carlyle Discussion > resemblance to another Scottish actor, I...

resemblance to another Scottish actor, Ian Charleson

I happened to be watching episodes in the old Hamish Macbeth series, made in the mid-1990s, a couple of days after I watched Chariots of Fire on DVD. At first I thought I was seeing things, but then I realized there was an uncanny resemblance between the young Robert Carlyle of twenty-odd years ago and the young protagonist in Chariots of Fire, Ian Charleson. I don't know if this is something specifically Scottish, and in part of course it may be due to the way they both speak, but there seems to be something even in their body language and facial expressions -- a certain quirky, wry smile, for instance -- that is similar. Or am I just imagining this?

How did it come to this?


I was going to disagree, but then I thought about it more and I think what it is is that they both do something similar with their mouths? It's not just the smile, but that sort of flat tension in the resting face and then how flexible the jaw goes when they're talking or yelling. So yeah, it's weird, but I see it now.


Kind of looks like Richard Hammond from Top Gear, too.


he and Richard Hammond could be brothers, easily. if i didnt know who they where and saw them out , i would asume they were brothers .
