MovieChat Forums > Jim Caviezel Discussion > What happened to his film career ???

What happened to his film career ???

Why is he not in movies, big movies and just doing TV?


Seriously, lots of actors are moving to TV because it is hot right now and has good storylines. Plus he was in some movies in the last few years with some big stars but did not do well. Again, box office revenues have not been great, so maybe another reason to get a nice steady check doing TV.


It had been quite a few years before Person of Interest since he'd had a successful film, but since POI has been on air he has starred in When the Game Stands Tall (which turned a profit last year) and Escape Plan (which failed in the US but done very well Internationally and its gross is almost triple its budget). POI is likely ending in 2016 so it'll be interesting to see if he tries to land another show or if he goes back to film.


He's doing pretty well for an actor. Most of these guys end up waiting on tables, even after making a film of some kind.

I read he's sort of picky, like he won't be in a film if he has to curse...if that's true, then I guess he writes his own ticket, huh?


I hope to see more of him on TV and in movies!!!!


He drops a few f bombs and plays a maniacal warden with an axe murderer vibe in Escape plan, and does it as well as he plays the good guys. I think he sets a high standard for what work he is interested in and it certainly shows.


It's probably more along the lines of not doing love scenes or even kissing another femal actress, a la Kirk Cameron. Like being faithful to his wife.


He's kissed on screen many times and even had bedroom scenes and innuendo conversations. He just won't do a sex scene out of respect for his wife as you said. I sincerely respect that about him.

I don't think that's been the only thing hurting his film career. He's also been outspoken on some of his other Roman Catholic convictions like being against abortion.

And there's always the fact that the acting world is VERY competitive. There are many outstanding actors who never make it big because that would be like winning the lottery. I'm just thankful JC is enjoying the success he is.


Because he is not a snob.

Plenty of U.K.actors do both.

He has a family to support. Person of Interest has been plenty good for him, putting food on the table and raising his professional profile.

It's not like he's a game show host or doing reality TV.
