Next Bond

I think Jim should be the next James Bond.

The looks and way he acts in Person Of Interest.


Somehow I doubt if he'll ever play 007


Would be an interesting choice.


I love Jim & his current role, but I disagree. Bond needs to stay a Brit. Maybe he could be a foil? That would be awesome.


Is opposed to love scenes. So he would be out for Bond, which is a good thing.


agree entirely Jim is really not a James Bond type of actor


He's opposed to a naked costar during love scenes, not kissing (he does it on POI). But, he's so damn low energy I can't ever imagine him playing Bond. I also don't see him as the suave martini swilling type. He's too rough-and-tumble. POI is perfect for him where ME can provide the color and personality.


If Superman can be played by Brit, Then Bond can be played by an American.


Stay Brit? Sean Connery is Scottish, and Pierce Brosnan is 100% Irish. So...yeah. I have to disagree about the staying Brit.

Reese: I'm not going to think about killing you. I'm going to kill you.
