MovieChat Forums > Jim Caviezel Discussion > He was great in Escape Plan

He was great in Escape Plan

I just watched Escape Plan and I gotta say, Jim played a very good role as the villain. It's very sad having such a great actor being under appreciated in Hollywood. I decided to watch Persons of Interest because of him, and I DEFINITELY think he should play Batman in the next Superman movie instead of Ben Affleck.


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OMG he was sho sheckshe...


He was really badass! I liked it...


I agree, Jim was one of the reasons for me to watch Escape Plan and I'm relieved EP turned out to be an altogether decent movie. I enjoyed it in almost every way. Arnie is one of my life-time favorites, but Jim is a gem here! His eyes... spooky! :)


???!!! from my opinion, his role in EP is so bad, it looks annoying and uncomfortable. Cliche villain style.


Maybe a cliche villain, but delivered to perfection. I didn't know Jim Caviezel's work before, but became a fan in a matter of minutes.


Really agree! It was the only reason I wanted to watch Escape Plan and I'm very glad I did he was great in the film! I always like seeing him play a villain as he usually goes for good or anti-hero type characters.

The only villain characters i've seen him play are in Deja Vu and Escape plan I think..

I'd like to see him play more villains where he gets to shout a bit more or show a bit more of a different personality.

He's a great actor!


yea it seems JC can do any type of character. he plays a sweet man in Frequency, a sweet and vengeful man in Count of monte cristo, a really evil guy in Deja Vu, and then another mean character in Escape Plan... and now i hear he's awesome in POI.
i can't wait to watch When the game Stands Tall. he plays a regular dude being a coach, another different role compared to his others.
