MovieChat Forums > Graham Chapman Discussion > I had no idea he was gay.

I had no idea he was gay.

I don't blame him for hiding it for so long considering it was illegal in his country just a few years earlier.


He didn't really hide it.


As a semi-serious Python fan, I've known for decades, I think since the 1980s. Ten seconds of research has told me that he actually came out in public in the early 1970s, but I didn't find out at the time because of childhood.

He was actually quite the pioneer for gay rights and coming out, but since he never "read" as gay, I suppose lots of fans never noticed. They had to read up on behind the scenes stuff to find out, because he never played gay in any of the Python works.


I found out because I was on his Wikipedia page. I wasn't alive in the 70s but I'm sure it was a big deal.


You'd think it was a very big deal at the time, but you'd probably have to ask British fans older than 65 to find out!

Sorry, I'm almost old enough, but the wrong nationality.


It was assumed then that most British celebs were gay. It didn't MATTER, People just wanted to be entertained. Graham was wonderful at it.


He's great but I always felt he was never as popular as Cleese and Idle.


He took a bit of a back seat but he was a great lead in their two big movies. He will always have that.
