
The jury could not reach a verdict and a mistrial was declared, the prosecutor says he will retry the case.


Hardly a shocker.


Explain - -


No one ever wants to believe the celebrities are guilty. Polanski is still defended even though he admitted to drugging and raping a 13 year old girl. In the uk there was systemic abuse of children at the BBC, and yet it wasn't until after the death of Jimmy Saville that it all came out.

The BBC protected him and other child entertainers for decades knowing they were abusing children daily. And yet, the BBC is still going strong. Same with the Catholic Church. The church protected priests knowing they had abused children, and yet the donation trays were still full.

To a much lesser extent, trump has failed those he swore to represent but they still defend him. It's all lies made up by the left wing media. It's fake news. It's a bunch of women looking to get rich. It's people using their kids to get rich, and/or hurt the church. It's all the same thing. Conformation bias. They see what they want to see that fits the version of events that fits the narrative they want, or need.
