MovieChat Forums > Bill Cosby Discussion > Anybody else sees it as credible because...

Anybody else sees it as credible because he's ugly?

He and many like him I've always thought were rapist or used some sort of manipulation to get women because apart from his fame and the millions that worshiped him. I always thought he was ugly and didnt think if he wasnt successful he'd get beautiful women.


He wasn't ugly when he started doing this, according to the accounts of some of the older victims, and besides - the world is full of women who carefully balance a man's looks against his bank account, and by that standard Cosby is one hot daddy!

The weirdest thing about this is that Cosby didn't do to get laid, because many of the victims were perfectly willing to go for it, he did it because he liked it! He just liked his women unresponsive and unable to remember, which I suspect indicates a horrible deep insecurity about himself and his sexual self. Not that I give a rat's ass about his feelings, of course, the feelings of anyone he's hurt matter infinitely more.


Well im not a big fan but whenever i saw him. I just never thought you'd get the he's hot vibe but rather old and boring.
Obviously most misguided women value a man's pocket over his looks, or even self/ personality. But based on what I said I think he would have to knock women over the head to get so many fine women rather then by his good looks and charms.

I think your analysis makes more sense on why he really did it. Despite it all he has a enough fame and money to buy three times over the women that accuse him. So it makes sense he did it out of some deep psychological issue coming from sort of resentment. Could be a black guy being in a white business acting white then himself which is understandable.

Also I dont think he's a total fault as so many have said. NOW women are coming out not then and most fell easily to the trap and did it for opportunity but given they he did at a time that women's rights were repressed and I saw some evidence that many did come forward but he silenced them through money by buying off the law, lawyers, and everyone else. In this regard I think the law has failed this women and everybody else because every single case should be thoroughly investigated instead of just this one case because of statue of limitations rather also if he loses this one case the hammer might fall on him like O.J. based on perception. He is an example of total corruption and a failed system.


Cosby may be an ugly old man now, but he's been wealthy and famous for a very long time, and when he was younger would probably have been considered a moderately attractive man in a physical sense. Back at the height of his fame, in his "Cosby Show" days, he wasn't a looker but he was tall and had strong masculine features, and put enough charm, humor, and charisma into his performances to be attractive to most women. During his heyday he would not have lacked for female interest, to put it politely, and after his heyday were over and he got old, he still had enough money to attract those who are attracted by large amounts of money.

So yeah, to have done what he did he must not have only had some serious psychological issues that led him to act on some very dark and twisted desires, and he also must have been a goddamn sociopath who completely lacks empathy and a conscience to do what he did, and to calmly hush it all up afterwards. And yes, he IS at fault, some of those gals might have been perfectly willing to whore themselves out in exchange for favors, but they did NOT agree to risk their lives by drinking drugged drinks or to be violated while impaired instead of having good honest consensual sex. And others weren't willing, they wanted to meet him or do business with him, and had no intention of letting things get sexual.

The law failed all but one of his victims, but then in this world the legal system is weighted in favor of the wealthy and/or famous. If his victims resorted to putting him on trial in the Court Of Public Opinion rather than a court of law, it's because no DA was willing to put him on trial until


Well put.

I'll finish your last sentence for you.

... until the court of public opinion elected a DA who ran on breaking the former DA's agreement and putting him on trial.


<< your analysis makes more sense on why he really did it. Despite it all, he had enough fame and money to buy three times over the women that accuse him. So it makes sense he did it out of some deep psychological issue coming from sort of resentment. >>

Possible. And circumstances are a combination of factors - I wonder if another contributor to Cosby choosing to rape unconscious women was because he didn't want to tarnish his wholesome public image by having extramarital affairs. His money, power and humor could have made him attractive to quite a few women, but if those were found out or went wrong it could have put cracks in the "America's Dad" mask he preferred.

Maybe Cosby thought by attacking the unconscious he could have physical contact with women besides his wife, while not be seen to be doing so publicly (?) I only think of this because people are asking "Why didn't he just approach these women normally?" and it makes me wonder if he'd have wanted to risk that. He was very hung up on his public image.

Of course, what he did for decades was so much worse, and ultimately riskier.


That's an interesting theory.

Well there was the bit he did in an early 1969 comedy album stand up where he joked about wanting to drug women with spanish fly for sex when he was 13. I don't hold it against him for having that fantasy as a 13 year old, that sounds pretty typical of the kind of thing a 13 year old boy might fantasize about. What's sketchy is that he was openly joking about this in 1969 at the age of 32 when his first alleged victim was in 1965.

He was also married in 1964, so it's possible he did it to avoid charges of infidelity. But that still seems like an extreme preventive measure to take in drugging his targets unconscious. It sounds highly implausible without deeper psychological issues at play. I think for most guys like myself, the idea of sex with an unconscious person isn't appealing, unless you're a sex crazed 13 year old.


Personally, I think there's something deeper at play here, and most likely it has to do with what many have said about his overweening need to be in control. Not to say his image didn't play into it, because no doubt it did.

I agree that for normal men, having sex with someone who's unconscious isn't appealing. But for someone who's demonstrated over and again that he (or she) needs to be in total control, for whatever psychological malfunction that's driving them, it makes sense.


Cosby was extremely rich and powerful, and good looking when he was younger. He could have had all the consensual sex with attractive women that he had time for, if he had wanted it. His behavior was some kind of mental illness.


Many good points made here. I think he is also so depraved that he got pleasure out of leaving these women traumatised and confused.
