MovieChat Forums > Bill Cosby Discussion > Am I the only person left in the whole w...

Am I the only person left in the whole wide world

that still likes him?


Nope. I like him. I believe he's guilty, but also don't believe in putting an 84 year old blind man in prison for life. I mean OJ is free, but under Metooism what the Coz did is worse.
Weinstein is in jail for life, and 100s of others like Kevin Spacey were not jailed, but cancelled. I think Metooism will end someday.
Anyway, yes, I grew up with The Cosby Show (not the '80s one, the '70s one), Fat Albert, all the movies, all the appearances, I Spy, etc. He's a legend; in the bigger picture our twisted society jailed him because he's a legend, not in spite of it. Because what he did was acceptable in the context in which he did it: Hollywood in the '60s, the Playboy Mansion in the '70s, etc. But his crime was that he drugged women---we still don't know the exact circumstances, and ironically neither do most of the woman who were not conscious after being drugged.

But Metoo got what they wanted: to make an example of him even though many others in that time and place were doing similar things.

I hope he'll be freed to live the rest of his life in peace after devoting his life to entertaining the world!


If he was guilty then he shouldn't have been guilty after 10 years. If the women had a complaint they should have made the complaint 30 years ago, not 30 years later. It's terrible to do that to an old man.

I don't think Kevin Spacey is guilty either. I think you are a closet #metoo-er




Love Bill and I give zero shits about plebs being used and abused by the elite. My beef is the elite racistly putting Bill out for slaughter.


Yes. Bet you conservatives are terribly conflicted right now. They hate blacks like Bill Cosby, they are obsessed with crime and punishment (see 14 points of fascism below 12.) yet they also hate #metoo and know they could find themselves in prison someday after being falsely accused.

[12. Obsession With Crime and Punishment
This one is self-explanatory. Basically, law enforcement has the utmost power, and police brutality is overlooked in the name of "patriotism."]


No my girlfriend and I like him and think it was preposterous that an old man should go to prison because of the testimonies of what women said they think happened 30 years ago. It's one thing where it is for becoming a chief justice (Ehem *cough* Clarence Thomas*cough) it's totally another to send someone to jail for it.


I still like him and never believed in this nonsense. Is it possible? sure, but I don't feel the court proved it. I followed many commentaries about it and read the women's Janice's where she changed her story from her book and claimed she was being threatened. Or the one who said Cosby assaulted her on the Tonight show....the episode where neither one appeared in together. It was a witch hunt and he made the same mistake Michael Jackson did in settling instead of letting the courts figure it out correctly. I'm glad the courts agreed that the deposition never should have been used and I hope this is the end for Cosby's troubles. And I hope women one day learn you can't wait 40-50 years to claim assault on someone


Dont you dare compare consensual sex with homosexual pedophilia you sicko! Michael Jackson was a predator and child molestor. He had no choice but to pay off his victims, who could identify markings on his genitals. That scumbag is burning in hell, like he's back on the Pepsi commercial set. The flames of the righteous attack the unjust!


Fake news


Some do like him.
