MovieChat Forums > Bill Cosby Discussion > Released from prison

I wonder if he's terminally ill.

Oops, just read the link: overturned conviction. Odd.


Good. He was railroaded by a bunch of lying attention seeking whores.


There was an *awful* lot of smoke for there to have been no fire.


You must not know many women. They have a mob mentality.


If it was two women or three, or ten...

But it was 60. I have no doubt that at least some of them suddenly "re-remembered" something sniffing money or fame or both, but 60 women? That really stretches incredibility.


He fucked 60 women. Big Deal. I bet every time you fucked a woman, she felt violated. They are head cases who have to fantasize rape because it's hardwired into their libido. No one has ever orgasmed harder than a woman while being raped. It's biological, since we're just evolved primates and that's how they do, minus the pudding pop and Quaaludes.


A lot of men have had sex with 60 women and more, and have never been accused. Wilt Chamberlain allegedly slept with 10000 women and no one ever accused him of rape.

I bet every time you fucked a woman, she felt violated.

Sadly, yes, but this isn't about me.

No one has ever orgasmed harder than a woman while being raped.

All fun aside, you simply can't mean that. I don't doubt women have rape fantasies, but a fantasy is something that is controllable. There is no violence and no terror in a fantasy.


Nah Im just joking. Law & Order SVU had a few episodes of women who felt guilty because they orgasmed from rape and never otherwise.


But he's black. He must be guilty right?


Oh he's guilty of being black, that's for sure. No morals, liar, adultery, and drug use. Unfortunately, civil rights, feminism and Judaism allow these crimes to go unpunished!


Totally agree and I bet you conservatives just because they hate black people are aligned with #metoo on this. Such conflicted pathological minds they have.


"You must not know many women. They have a mob mentality. "
It's instinctual actually. If you go watch chimpanzees in a zoo the females will gangbeat a young male.


For all we know, Cosby did rape all these women. I don't know. I wasn't there. Problem is, they waited years to report it. Continued to see him and accepted gifts from him. Janice Dickenson changed her story so many times she just came off as an attention whore. The case was flimsy and allowing those 'bad acts' in when none of those stories were actually from convictions just seemed desperate.

And that deposition was the most tainted thing I had ever seen. It never should have been used at trial and I get so tired of people spinning his acknowledgement of getting Quaaludes for women as admitting he actually abused them. cause they aren't the same thing.


How come the women are considered whores and Cosby isn't, even though he's seemingly the biggest whore of all?


I don't consider them whores. I consider them liars and opportunists. I think Cosby cheating on his wife is utterly despicable but not criminal. If you wait 40 years to come forward, you get nothing; sorry. As for Constand, yea...she waited the least amout of time; a year, but still saw him, accepted gifts and whatnot in between that time. She didn't deserve the money she got but she got it and the story should have ended there once that deposition was sealed. If she really cared about being assaulted and about the other women he supposedly abused, she would haven't have chose money over justice.


Vaginas depreciate in value the more they are used. Penises dont.


But vaginas don't have an hours meter on them, so who's to know?


You can tell by the roast beef like texture and color. Thats why whores are called roasties.


Neither are considered whores, but if the women are considered whores so is he, however it's not a crime.


Completely agree. I tried to be fair and read the women's statements and they all seemed bogus.


I know I am in the minority on this but I am very happy this happened. I'm completely shocked but happy. I am surprised they, only now, found proof of the agreement he had with the AD years ago. but it happened and he's free for now.


It's about time!


Frankly well overdue. The case against Cosby was flimsily at best. "Can all these women be lying?" was literally the main argument being made with the only evidence being complete hearsay well after the fact. The crooked, unconstitutional maneuvering that the court system used to finagle an unfair conviction was rightfully overturned.


It was awful to watch.


There's one law for the rich in this country, and another for the rest of us, and Cosby is rich.


That didn't help Epstein and it won't help Weinstein. It didn't help Polanski either which is why he screwed the country after he screwed the children.


This has nothing to do with being rich. His wealth didn't save him from being convicted and losing all of his titles and accolades. This has to do with a fair trial and he didn't receive one. From the very beginning, he was promised that if he gave that deposition, he would not be tried for the crime. That deposition was sealed and never should have been open. Rich or Poor; when the powers that be want to get you; they will.


Oh Otter.. I've seen you call out the vile alt right white supremacist degenerates on this site on numerous occasions which makes it so puzzling that you often seem to be on the wrong side of the argument when it comes to wrongfully accused & persecuted black men.

The case against Cosby wasn't overturned because "he's rich". It was because the case was a flimsy pile of dogsh*t & the court system violated Cosby's constitutional rights (proven fact not opinion) with illegal maneuverings to secure an unjust conviction .

The court said that Cosby was denied his right to self-incrimination when the court allowed testimony from the civil suit into the criminal trial. Both the judge and prosecutor in this case violated the law and should be disbarred and sent to prison.
But we live under a corrupt WS system, so of course that won't happen.


I mean most people didn't believe it at first, but most of the many women's stories were credible. However giving him life in prison is a whole other issue. This was overturned because Andrea Constance, i.e. Howard Stern's lesbian twin, was ruled to have no right to press charges because she'd agreed before to a nondisclosure.
But the thing is what the Coz did only became unacceptable during Me Too. Because it was a known secret of Hollyweird culture and everyone looked the other way.


How exactly is a thirty year old accusation credible? Nobody was present. Imagine hooking up with a gal and then 30 years later she makes an accusation that never happened.


I don't doubt many if not most of the Me Too accusations had to do with actresses who blew producers for parts and regret it. The Coz was different as he drugged them against their will.
But if you mean Andrea Constand it happened in 2004, and she made the accusation one year later, not 30. The issue is after it happened she continued to see Cosby and took her parents to meet him, etc. Then in 2005 she did the lawsuit and agreed to a settlement. That's why the Supreme Court threw out the case; she had no legal right to press charges, so the Coz should never have been imprisoned. That doesn't mean he's not guilty though..he is.
