MovieChat Forums > Bill Cosby Discussion > This goes to prove..

This goes to prove..

If you have enough money, you can buy your way out of a guilty verdict.

Don't believe me, just ask OJ!!

For you people who believe this is a sign of his innocence rather than getting off on a technicality, which was the case here, ask yourselves one question:

Would you let your daughter (sister, mother or any female relative) go out on a date alone with him?


I don't know, read the deposition and ask yourself if women looking to have a rich celebrity pay their way through college and get a foot in the door in Hollywood is actually a sign of being guilty of rape:

I don't expect an intelligent answer because facts and truth are virtues bereft of the Left.


But this is impossible. Bill Cosby is black. All black Americans are oppressed by white supremacists.


This has nothing to do with being rich; if it did, cosby never would have seen jail time. And it is also not a technicality. At least to me anyway. A technicality is forgetting to submit a certain form. Blatantly allowing evidence that never should have been allowed after the defense fought to have it removed from day one is a serious miscarriage of justice and denial of a fair trial to the accused. The prosecutor was determined to get Cosby because he made an election promise and was going to get him no matter what he did. Now it's biting him in the butt.

as a woman, I would tell my daughter a few things: never go to a hotel room alone with a man unless you're planning to sleep with him. Don't use sex to acquire gifts/perks from a man. don't accept strange pills/drinks from a man. You are your best protection. and if something does happen; report it that as soon as you can. Not a year later when all evidence and memory is gone. In other words....don't be stupid.


We'd all be a lot better off everyone followed the rule of "don't be stupid"

Don't go to stupid places with stupid people and do stupid things and you should keep yourself out of trouble for the most part.


Must be nice to get a special deal to not get charged. To get such a deal, you need a good lawyer - one that likely is very expensive. If Cosby was skid row poor, he'd be in jail for decades.

Also, nice how the appeal was attended to so fast - these usually take about five years.

As for your advice to your daughter - good, yet it borders on victim blaming.


I'm not going to fault Cosby for having the money to fight these allegations. He earned every penny and has a right to a fair trial. Again, money didn't help him from getting convicted at a 2nd trial. and I don't think of 2 years as being fast.

As for my advice; Then it's victim blaming. I don't know what else to say. I have gone out by myself many times and have never been attacked. I don't leave bars with strange people. and I don't get stupid drunk. I'm not a drinker anyway but if I do drink; it's one glass and I'm done because I never want to be in a situation where I can't trust my own judgement. Does that mean something still can't happen? of course not; there are real monsters out there. Each situation is different. Some accusations are 100% true and some are so murky that it would be better to let a guilty man go free than an innocent man go to jail. That's life. sadly. I'm sorry for real victims who do everything they can to get justice and get screwed. not for gold diggers like these Cosby accusers seem to be. they give a bad name to real victims.

Now I wonder if the tables were turned, would you let your Son, brother, uncle or father on a date with these women?


I don't fault Cosby either. I would never expect anyone with money to settle for a public defender. A lot of times you need a good defender against a system stacked against poorer people.

I will say, you do give good advice regarding people to watch their soroundings. As for rape cases, it's estimated that about 5% lie about being raped and the remaining telling the truth. The system is stacked against the victims as it's often assumed that the accuser is lying, or really did deserve to get raped because of how they were dressed or because they weren't saints.


Blaming the guy who has the money to defend himself but not hold the system that makes it impossible to defend oneself without money accountable? How nice.


excellent point.


No, it was more about how weak the case against him was. Really the question people should be asking is why this was ever in court at all. Charges should have never been filed.


Just ask OJ how the black man gets railroaded, is more like it. OJ literally cut his finger at the hotel, asked for a band-aid and employees said there was broken glass in his room. Everything he said checked out. Everything the police said or did was not, and was mishandled or mismanaged. His blood was not present in places it should have been, proving the rest was planted. Especially the glove.


I'm more inclined to let a daughter go on a date with him than let a son go on a date with any of the women who accused him.




Any and all.


Just my theory, but I think he has dirt on someone, rather than money bought his freedom.


Cosby was outspoken about the black community learning to take responsibility for itself. For its actions good and bad. And for its future.

This goes against everything the Democrat party stands for. You don’t show the brothers and sisters the way off the plantation. You keep them feeling helpless and stuck in the inner city plantations that have been run by the Democrat party for 60, 70, 80, 90 years straight.

Cosby crossed the wrong Democrat and he became a target. Never in history has a person been convicted purely on hearsay for so-called crimes that occurred 30 years in the last. It was a political witch hunt. Period. And the Democrat prosecutors got caught breaking the law. Shocker.

It’s good the PA Supreme Court has the balls to do what’s right.


Way off base. This case was a dog from Day 1 -- that's why the original prosecutor, who clearly possessed at least a modicum of intelligent judgement, declined to prosecute.
