MovieChat Forums > Bill Cosby Discussion > So he's being freed on a technicality an...

So he's being freed on a technicality and not on merit of his alleged crimes?

I think it's great news. I thought the allegations were bogus.


The technicality was a railroading and violation of his rights by a kangaroo court. The justice system is a complete joke, like every system infested with chosen people: education, jewelry, fashion, entertainment, news, accounting, etc.


Exactly. It's shameful he was even convicted in the first place. I don't believe Andrea Constand for a minute.


At most, he's guilty of having extra-marital affairs.


He was guilty of the Pound Cake Speech. That's the speech he gave in 2004, asking the black community to start taking responsibility for their problems. That's the first step to fix something. But... that goes against current woke narrative based in victim scores.

That was what caused the witch hunt, until they got him into jail.


This is actually part of the reality of his scenario. Hollywood protects its rapists and pedophiles unless they stray from the narrative. You can always identify the celebs ostracized by this common denominator.


I can't even call it a technicality. I watched a video of someone calling it this and I got so annoyed. The whole thing about his deposition and the use of the 'prior bad acts' were being fought against from the beginning because they were suspect. But the judge and Prosecutor pushed for them anyway because they were determined to get Cosby no matter the cost over a complaint that, at the time Constand filed, was considered flimsy. He was railroaded and it's about time someone in the courts recognized it. People who are angry Cosby was released: this is completely on the prosecutor's and judge's hands because he had a right to a fair trial and didn't get it.


... he had a right to a fair trial and didn't get it

Wasn't it actually more of a case of he had a right to NO trial having paid the lady in question a $3 million + settlement in a civil case in the first place?


Very true. they settled out of court because Castor didn't think they had enough for a trial. That's what caused all of this. He never should have been prosecuted from the very start.


AGreed. METOO is a witchhunt.


Overturning a flagrant lack of proper due process is NOT a technicality. It's correcting a miscarriage of justice that's frankly 3 years too late.


Either way, I'm happy. Andrea Constand is full of sh!t.


Yes. They used illegal methods to entrap him. Without proper due process, he is innocent in the eyes of the law.


The D.A. really screwed the goose on this one. What I don't get is how the previous judge and Cosby's lawyers didn't prevent the grand jury from happening in the first place?
