MovieChat Forums > Bill Cosby Discussion > I think 90% of sexual activity in the 19...

I think 90% of sexual activity in the 1970s would be classified as rape by today's standards.

Women would deliberately go "party" with a guy who had 'ludes so they could get high for free. Today, that would mean they could not give consent and were raped, but back then, it was just an exchange.


The 70s were definitely a lot more "gritty" back then. Especially in New York City and Studio 54. I bet it was a lot more "fun" back then. Now, it's "watered down" and "diluted".


There's a youtube video where a girl is being arrested by a cop, and she starts screaming that he's raping her because he put handcuffs on her..

God knows what the word "rape" will mean in 10 more years.


Yep. In fact, it's already happening. Male bosses are scared to fire female employees because they can easily accuse of sexual harassment and file lawsuits. So they end tolerating their bad behavior.


There are tons of videos on youtube regarding fake rape allegations. I'm a woman and it disgusts me that that word is thrown around so liberally and can destroy a life with no proof at all. Even when the allegations are proven false; the accused may never escape that label. it's sick.



Leaders in the left have already claimed all sex is rape. Oh to be a Democrat lemming.


You're such an idiot. Do you even know what the reference to "lemming" means? It means following others off the cliff to your deaths. That's Republicans in a nutshell in their denial of everything. Larry Craig the face of the Republican party thinks having sex with men in public bathrooms is the leadership on the right.


It means following others off the cliff to your deaths.

Gee. Kind of like the cities who voted to defund their cops and are now experiencing skyrocketing murder rates, huh? And if this Larry Craig person is the "face of the Republican Party", he's awfully obscure. I had to look him up. I guess he's more familiar to Democrats because they share that "sex with men in public bathrooms" thing.


I was forced to take a gender studies class in college and the professor taught that all men are rapists, and those of us (men) who hadn't raped a woman just hadn't had the opportunity yet.


How were you "forced" to take the class?

That sounds fcked up though.
