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Five women file lawsuit against Bill Cosby, accusing him of sexual assault

December 6, 2022, 7:02 PM

Five women, including two actors who appeared on “The Cosby Show,” filed a lawsuit in New York on Monday, accusing disgraced comedy legend Bill Cosby of sexually assaulting them. The plaintiffs named the actor, Kaufman Astoria Studios Inc., The Carsey-Werner Company and NBCUniversal Media as defendants in the 34-page lawsuit filed in Manhattan Supreme Court. "The Cosby Show," which ran from 1984 to 1992 on NBC, was filmed at studios now controlled by Kaufman Astoria and produced by Carsey-Werner, according to the civil action.

What is the point of having a statute of limitations for a civil action, if anyone can bring a legal action at any time? One of these cases dates back to 1969, 53 years ago.


burn him on the cross!!


Oh shut the hell up. If they were so devastated, they wouldn't wait this long to cash in. The crime isn't even worth a dime, let alone death. This was all bullshit. Woman are liars, women are whores, women use their pussy like currency. This has been going on since rape was legal.


Think of the poor precious..RATS? Holy fuck, animal lovers are just as stupid as environmentalists. (JFZ)

• Women
• Animals
• Environment

Anything else?


Hitler did nothing wrong. Except invade Russia in Winter


There never should have been a statute of limitations for sexual or physical assault.


Yes, you have a clear grasp of the chain of evidence and false claims. Great idea smart guy!


That same applies for murder which doesn’t have a limit, dimwit.

My point is if it’s still possible to prove someone assaulted you, it should still be possible to charge the accused.

Some states don’t have time limits for sex offenses like sexual assault of a child, so why is there one for adults?


Idk, dont ask me. Why dont you ask all the lying whores who have falsely accused hundreds of men?


And ignore the women who were actually assaulted? Wow. You are just a fucking prince.

Hope your daughter never gets assaulted. That is, if a woman is ever willing to have sex with you - consensually.


If it takes them twenty years to report, yes Ignore them. Dont put this shit on me. Put it all the women who use sex to gain something instead just for the joy of sex. None of these women were assaulted. Rape is pushing a woman to the ground and attacking her (you know, something that actually leaves evidence). If a woman is on top, riding, during sex, it's NOT rape!


They're hoping for a settlement. The US legal system is all about rewarding ambulance chasing hacks.


53 Years really is a long time ago in trying to defend this.. Just saying
