MovieChat Forums > Jeremy Davies Discussion > If he's at all like his characters, I'd ...

If he's at all like his characters, I'd marry the man.

I personally think that his quirkiness is stunning, particularly his performance of Daniel in Lost. He was by far my favourite character, and still is. He was the best looking, played the best role for himself as an actor, and was simply the best character.
All this is in my own opinion.
I don't know much about him as a person, but if he's anything like the roles he plays I'd love to meet him. Very attractive man.


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i 1000% completly agree, he is sooo awesome
daniel is my absolute favourate character in lost (desmond second)
i love him i love him i love him
i cannot believe he's 39 its crazy how goodlooking he is.


"If he's at all like his characters, I'd marry the man." - Charles Manson?


I totely agre with you. In lost season 5 he toke over from Desmond being the little off but totely cute charecter. I loved Desmond in the last seasons but thes season Daniel became my favorit. I really hope he returns i Season 6.


"...if he's anything like the roles he plays I'd love to meet him."
Like the one in Saving Private Ryan? Who "helped" killing Tom Hanks?


The bit in saving private Ryan where he's translating an Edith Piaf song made my heart flutter quite a bit.

Those are my principals. If you don't like them I have others.~Groucho Marx


Well, yes - I think he is. I just watched an interview and he was talking about his personal interest in quantum physics and the space-time continuum. He is very much like his character on Lost.


WTF?? His character had absolutely NOTHING to do with Miller's (Hanks') death.

"He carries illegal weapons, drives fast cars & wears clothes obviously designed by a homosexual."
