MovieChat Forums > Warwick Davis Discussion > how irresponsible of him to have a child...

how irresponsible of him to have a child

Davis' dwarfism is caused by an extremely rare genetic condition called spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita (SED). He has said the only real drawback to being small was the associated health problems. Of his own dwarfism, Davis has said, "Well, as you get older, it gets worse... Your joints, for a start. My hips are dislocated, so they’re sitting out here. Very painful knees. I had surgery on my feet when I was very young. There’s a risk of retinal detachment, but I know the signs now."[34]

Davis' wife, Samantha (née Burroughs[35]), has achondroplasia, and their two children also have SED.[36] Their daughter, As a result of having different causes of dwarfism, the couple's first two children, sons Lloyd and George, died shortly after birth, having had a fatal combination of the conditions.

and now they have children with this as well....... should be illegal for him to have children and make them suffer as well!

Behind The Scenes: "Wicket Warrick and Pommet Warrick"

does it look like the son is having fun? NO




but seriously, wonder if the child can even speak :-(


In cases like this you can understand the rationale behind forced sterilization of people with genetic defects. I know liberal nut jobs have a hissy fit at the thought of it, but I have a cousin who found out that both her brother and her had a genetic problem which doesn't start to show up until they are in their 30's... However the genetic counselor explained that it would almost certainly mean having a child would just a question of how messed up the child would be.. Not an increased risk, they pretty much told her it would suffer some problems that might only be mental or could also be physical... So she and her husband decide they know best. They went ahead and had a had kid who turned out to suffer severe mental retardation, malformed spine and malformed ankles, she will never walk will never have the mental capacity beyond a 7 year old. To me it was fucking sick to do that when they knew there was no chance for a normal kid. Now the mom's condition has progressed to the point she is in a wheelchair and will certainly die much younger than a normal person and the daughter is also in a wheelchair needing constant care. Oh what wonderful thing reproductive freedom is.


yes, it is very selfish.

if you need company, there are great animals you can get, like a dog for instance. you can love it, and it will always love you, no matter what you look like.

don't bring a child into the world when you already know it will be in pain, both mentally and physically


Hitler had a final solution to these people reproducing.

You seem to be making a judgment that their lives are invalid because they're not perfect physical specimens.

Perhaps you should ask them if life is worth some suffering?


the couple's first two children, sons Lloyd and George, died shortly after birth, having had a fatal combination of the conditions.

you think that is okay?


you think that is okay?

Yes. Who are you to tell them what they can do?


I think two beings were at least given an opportunity to live.

Warwick Davis has made a success of hie life, even if he has suffered. Would it be better that his mother aborted him in the womb because she knew he would be a dwarf? Nobody's life is perfect.


It's selfish of ALL of us, but we do it.

But yes, the ethical question is, SHOULD we, especially if knowing certain disabilities WILL be involved?


There's nothing wrong with dwarves wanting children. In this day and age, medical advancements make it safe for them to do so, and if they have fertility issues, they adopt both normal and dwarf children. They understand life won't be easy for the kids, but many dwarf parents work hard to make it easier for their children to handle the world, and it's nice to have someone in the family who the kid can relate to if they are born with the same condition.

And here's one of the weirder things to happen: some dwarf couples give birth to normal-sized kids! Just look into "Little People, Big World."


the couple's first two children, sons Lloyd and George, died shortly after birth, having had a fatal combination of the conditions."

yeah, lovely!


So you believe Hitler was right? Imperfect human beings don't have a right to live?


You don't have to be a dwarf to have children die soon after birth. Are you saying that normal-sized people who have stillbirths or miscarriages on their first try are irresponsible too?


God forbid this man wants to continue his lineage and doesn't let his dwarfism hold him back.


This thread smells like Hitler.
