Don't like her

i find miss dench a very emotionless actress, i can't seem to warm to her in any of her roles, im sure she is a lovely lady in life, but as a performer she dosen't move me one iota, it seems a prerequisite to praise her to the heavens because of her numerous award wins and dame hood, but i sadly just do not get it

'as time goes by' where she played an annoying middle class bore, whining about meaningless drivel is where my distaste for her began, i understand most people on this board will be pro dench, and am sorry if i offend you, but does anyone else share my opinion


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She's horrid. I hope they kill her off in the next Bond so we can get someone better.


I really don't follow Old British actresses but I have seen the Dame in plenty of costume dramas and contemporary films and I have to say she does a much better job with her roles than many of her younger counterparts.

I don't know what you mean by emotionless because I think she's rather snippy and good at playing someone who wants to get under your skin. If that's not the opposite of emotionless then I don't know what is.



Dame Judi Dench is far from "horrid". She is one of the finest actresses today. Get a clue, and grow UP.


What I don't understand is why people like you feel the need to come to a board devoted exclusively to a certain artist, simply to trash them.

Please name some of the artists you think the world of so that I may return your favor and go over to their site simply to trash the daylights out of them - that is if I should ever become so inclined to exhibit your childish and churlish behaviour.

You've done some bad things, sweetie.


Haha, try again.
