MovieChat Forums > Miguel Ferrer Discussion > A Smoker with Throat Cancer. What a Sham...

A Smoker with Throat Cancer. What a Shame.

I liked him on "Crossing Jordan." It sucks when Anybody gets Cancer, especially if they succumb to it. But...DO...NOT...SMOKE!!

As a Physician, I've seen the consequences Too Many Times.


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Do you say that because you light and suck a paper Cock??


He was taking the opportunity to warn people about the dangers of smoking - that makes him a concerned person.

You, JordanWayne, however, are a troll.


That type of cancer has to be awful. I imagine he was in a lot of pain. Like so many other fans of his, I had no idea he was even ill, let alone have cancer. Best wishes to his family, in particular George Clooney, because they were reportedly very close. I also agree with ebettman-1; smoking is just a terrible habit with absolutely no redeeming value whatsoever. If you smoke, quit. If you're thinking about doing it, don't.

Ladies and gentlemen...Mr.Conway Twitty


Vintage cigarette ads are a source of constant laughs for how "clean and natural" they tried to portray smoking:

"Where's your will to be weird?" - Jim Morrison


I didn't even know that he was sick :(

reply be FAIR...Nicotine-the addictive component of cigarettes-DOES have some Health Benefits. It may prevent-and can Reduce-the symptoms of Parkinson's Disease. Mentally Ill folk are calmed and comforted by it. But you can get those benefits from nicotine patches or gum. The TAR is TERRIBLE!
