MovieChat Forums > Miguel Ferrer Discussion > In a way, I envy him

In a way, I envy him

I will miss him and his awesome acting talent, but the reason he is so "lucky," is because he will never know how horrible it will be, to live in a nation where Donald John Trump is the President.


Really man? You are going to take an actor's death to spout this crap? You think he would rather suffer through cancer and pass away than have to put up with yet another stupid president. (That list is very long)
Go push your political agenda somewhere else you insensitive bastard.


P.S. I didn't vote for Trump, before you start with that. He is an idiot. But, I don't think this is the time for that kind of nonsense.

 When movie hell is full, re-makes shall walk the earth. 


Guy just dies, and you use that to push your political views. Very classy. And I think he would rather still be alive and with his loved ones, regardless of who is in office.


Sorry but, I have to agree with scorpio, I think he makes a great point and not pushing his death I loved Miguel and loved his dad but, I believe it's best not to witness certain things in life


Thanks for your support & understanding, santosreyesgar-sr.

He was indeed a highly gifted/talented actor (and his passing at so young an age is a tragedy), but another tragedy will occur on January 20, 2017.

I thank IMDB for allowing me to share my (sometimes) unpopular thoughts with others.


You could always save yourself (and everyone else) the trouble and kill yourself.

Then you wouldn't have to live in such agony anymore. Just sayin'.


I completely understand what Scorpiomensan and santosreyesgar-sr mean, which is not at all disrespectful to Miguel Ferrer. We all honor and miss this incredible actor, who was also a wonderful person.

Many people feel anxious these days; the earth's sustainable days are numbered, and the danger will accelerate under Cheeto, who never met a fossil fuel mogul with whom he didn't want to jump into bed.

Put puppy mills out of business: never buy dogs from pet shops! 


Awe. Your still butt hurt your team lost. Gonna be a long grieving process. Hope you make it through it. So sad for you.


Why do all you Cheeto D-suckers have such terrible language and writing skills? Ah, yes, you have to be an idiot to support such a sociopath. You are the ones who are in for a rude awakening, as you trusted one of the worst conmen ever to live on this planet. He's one of the worst oligarchs out there, who couldn't give a crap for anyone not in his tax bracket (I'm not all that sure he cares for them either). Go back to school and learn basic spelling, syntax and grammar; after that, you might want to work on your discernment skills.

The OP and others have a right to their views, just as you do. They at least expressed their ideas in proper English.

Put puppy mills out of business: never buy dogs from pet shops! 
