MovieChat Forums > Joseph Fiennes Discussion > so glad your on tv have no ide...

so glad your on tv have no idea

first of all, I have been crazy about you, not crazy bad,,lol but just have adored you since "Elizabeth" and "Shakephere in Love" and now to be able to see you once a week on Flash forward, WOW, I tell everyone all the time that your my next ex-husband (joke of course) people say you look like your brother but no offense to Ralph but I think your much much hotter....I've read your biography and I'm so sorry for the trials in your life you have had some pretty bad ones....but you are so talented and it's about time they noticed...I sent you a Christmas Card once I know you probably get millions of them, the funny thing is, is that I have never ever sent out a fan letter let alone a Christmas card, barely even to my family, then I just want to let you know (you probably don't even read these) But I need you to know that I did send the money to be in your fan club and never got anything back...just so you's not about the money believe me, it was just the principal....Your doing great, and for all are sakes, please look me up before you ever get an itch for Naomi again lol Sincerely Elizabeth.....


LOL I know how you feel. Did he used to date Naomi Campbell? I thought those were rumors. But he is married now and has a baby on the way. The man is insanely hot. Elizabeth, Shakespeare in Love has nothing on Killing Me Softly.
