body goals

she was some of my thinspiration about then years ago. the 90's and 00's had the best beauty ideal for women in my opinion.


There's no such thing as -too boney-


I do think women can be "too boney", and I think towards the end of Ally McBeal she really started to look unhealthy.

I did used to believe you until (blushing) I was "with" a really thin woman naked (unfortunately not Calista). I mean hip bones sticking out like Ethiopia. It was very unsightly. How do I say this gently and not offend anyone, and not get banned? I insisted that we do it from behind.


A. I don't remember typing that. B. I don't know why I typed that.
Plenty of curves for the win!


Doesn't that suck when we get dragged back to an old post that we don't remember? Has happened to me also.

Curvy is OK as long as BBW women don't classify themselves as "Curvy". There's a difference.


She needed to eat a hamburger or two. Men like curves on a woman. Body wise she looks like Olive Oly.


You might want to try spelling that again, or proofreading in the first place.


You people who attack typos need to get a life.


Its proof reading. Your welcome.


I used to attack people for spelling too, until I realized how easy it is to make tyops [sic] when typing on a cellphone, in a moving vehicle, or sometimes auto-correct will nail you without notice.

I still ding people for YOUR vs YOU'RE, b/c that's not a typo, that's ignorance. As well as a few others.

But a simple typo, meh let it go. I was once on a thread from a couple years ago that I had commented on, and while of course admiring my own writing, I have more than once surprisingly noticed a TYPO, and I'm devastated!
