MovieChat Forums > Charlotte Gainsbourg Discussion > Plain looking but huge sex appeal.

Plain looking but huge sex appeal.

There is something about her, wearing a leather jacket in "21 Grams" that draws you towards her. She doesn't have classic Hollywood beauty, but has more sex appeal than ten of the most popular actors. She's got "it" whatever it is.


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She didn't get her mother's looks... she looks so much like her father actually but she's lucky that she's still pretty in an unusual way. Her sister looks a lot like their mother. Charlotte has sex appeal like a lot of French girls. She's a great actress too.


You must be drinking tonight, because that is one of the ugliest women I have ever seen in my life, she not only looks mannish, but has the looks of a monkey, whoever hired her for Sean Penns wife, is a real idiot, she is just Butt ugly, I am sorry! But this woman is too ugly for movies, much less television, I wonder how she got her start?


Sean Penn is ugly


@bunnycorona haha


