Album Success

How successful was her album in the UK? I know it was very successful in France.

Proud member of L. L. H. O. T. W. (Lindsay Lohan Haters of the World)


I don't think it's been very well promoted in the UK. I hadn't even known of its existence until yesterday when I saw it in a Virgin Megastore. From the tracks I've heard since then, it deserves to do well. I just ordered a copy for myself.

"There are three sides to every story: yours, mine, and the truth." ~ Robert Evans


I'm not sure how successful it was sales-wise but Rough Trade shops rated it the 79th best album released in the UK in 2006.


I think it was just released in the US. I recently purchased the album and I haven't stopped listening to it. It helped during the promotion that she was on the cover of Fader, but I think her album will remain rather obscure to the average American.

Man who fish in other man's well often catch crabs.
