52 Years Old??

On "Scandal" he looks 45 tops! Was really not expecting that.

Chuck Bass in a Onesie: http://www.facebook.com/chuckbassinaonesiejustbecausehecan


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Yes, maybe it's just me but I really expecting him to be 52, on the bast episode of Scandal they said the president was turning 50 and I thought to myself "come on the actor doesn't look 50!" and I came here and turns out his 52 :P

Chuck Bass in a Onesie: http://www.facebook.com/chuckbassinaonesiejustbecausehecan


Agreed! :)

Chuck Bass in a Onesie: http://www.facebook.com/chuckbassinaonesiejustbecausehecan


He must be living right. He has aged exceptionally well.


His father and brothers look younger than they are as well.


Yes, and he will b 53 this month. His wife is 6 yrs older than him but she did not age well.


I would've put him at early 40s TOPS; he even looks young in closeups. Just to put it into perspective, Michael Fassbender is 18 years his junior (young enough to be his son!) and he looks OLDER than Goldwyn.
